Ecofluency fundraising campaign
Click here or on the poster below to join the Ecofluency fundraising campaign to save our ancient, protected Baobab trees currently under threat from commercial mega-development.
What is Ecofluency?
Ecofluency is the science, art, and magic of communicating with Nature.
This two-way dialogue exists beyond all languages, and uses an expanded range of sensory awareness.
Because humans are Nature, all of us can do this - many of us have just forgotten that this ancient skill lies dormant in us. Fortunately, it can easily be rediscovered and developed!
See teaching events to learn how to communicate with Nature safely, effectively, and meaningfully, to benefit all of life on Earth.
Why is it important?
It is our ancestral birthright to reclaim the power and magic of this capacity, and be truly in harmony with the rest of Nature.
To help us realign our decision-making, ecofluency helps us to listen deeply to and dialogue with any aspect of Nature, from tiny plants to towering trees, small insects to large animals, clods of compost to constellations of stars, even ancestors and nature spirits.
Like humans, it’s all Nature, and so it is also our responsibility to rekindle this critical skill for practically co-creating with the more-than-human world.
Ecofluency can be used to access the wisdom and intelligence of Nature for growing food, building a home, understanding the behaviour of wild, domesticated and even microbial beings, designing research projects and new business ventures, expanding your creative processes, and deepening relationship with landscapes, and much more, to grow beyond resilience and thrive.
Ecofluency can also support your personal healing and spiritual development, whatever your belief system. It helps us to feel more connected and at home with the world beyond our built walls, reminding us that we are all indigenous to this Earth.
We all belong here. By learning how to ask for and receive support and guidance from Nature, ecofluency becomes a vital resource for healthier, happier, more abundant and enchanted lives.
Please scroll down to find out more about Ecofluency, and how you and I can work together.
Ecofluency also showcases, promotes and supports others who practice, teach and research Nature communication.
Some of Ecofluency’s clients, collaborators and partners include:
Follow Ecofluency on social media for the latest snippets:
My gratitude to William Parsons for many of the photos provided on this website.